Tag: #RomeStatute

OTP: Information Received

OTP: Information Received

https://www.civitas4luglio.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/02.-Receipt.pdf Madame, Monsieur,Veuillez trouver en pièce jointe une communication du bureau du procureur de la cour pénale internationale.Dear Sir/Madam,Please find attached a communication from the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court.Office of the Prosecutor – International Criminal Court Bureau du Procureur – 



In data odierna l’Ufficio del Procuratore ha rilasciato ricevuta della denuncia inviata. Gli atti sono ora allo studio per l’assunzione delle dovute deliberazioni.

Information Article 15 Rome Statute

Information Article 15 Rome Statute

https://www.civitas4luglio.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/01.-En._Information.pdf https://www.civitas4luglio.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/01.-Fr._Renseignements.pdf On behalf of seven claimants, all coming from Western Africa countries and residing in Italy, and victims of human trafficking and enslavement on African soil and Mediterranean area as well, the undersigned Mr. Giuseppe Pellegrino and Alberto Ferrari, registered with ICC list of